During Furniture Inspection

Table Furniture There are testing standards for European market. The standard types used are General Safety and EN 581-3:2007-Mechanical Safety Requirement and test methods for tables.
What are the tests? Basic and general safety requirement: In this test, an ' engineer ' will examine the entire table and ensure that there are no sharp edges or edges of the table that could potentially hurt the wearer. The entire table also examined no holes or gaps that could potentially be ' finger entrapment '
Test Stability: The load weighing 375 Newton (approx. 180 kg) is placed on a table surface that has a maximum length of 150 cm. The load center position is at 50 mm from the end of the table surface. Assessments: The table should remain upright when the load is on the surface of the table.
This test is only applied to the table which has the function of laying the umbrella in the middle of the table. The method used is to give an encouragement to the side of the table at a height of 220 cm by 30 N (Newton) or equivalent to 15 kg.
Test Vertical static load on end extension: Applied to the table which has additional top table. Load of 200 N is placed at 100 mm from the outer side of the table.
Test Vertical static load test on table top: Load weighing 750 N is placed at the center point of the table.
Test Horizontal Fatigue test: It can be said this test is the hardest to pass from the whole test above. With loads on the table at 500 N, the side of the desk surface is pushed with a mechanical device of 150 N for 10,000 times.
Moisture content / MC. Check

Test Moisture content / MC: the Moisture content on wood should be follow client requirement Check the moisture contain of the item on three locations per product and take the average content (a+b+c)/3. All points should be within the tolerances specified. If no tolerance is specified, use 7-12% for indoor products and 8-16% for outdoor products

The table should remain upright standing until the last impulse as a condition pass test.So, make sure, if you are currently producing a table or creating a new design of a table, feel free to think and reconsider the details that affect the test results before making the production more hope to make a sample first avoid any failed test as above.
Load Test
load test furniture
 Stability Test 
Test Stability
 Function Test

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